Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Media bias in Republican primaries SHOCKER

I find the republican primaries both hard to watch and impossible not to watch. You never know what is going to happen next. One minute a candidate is quoting Pokemon (Herman Cain) and the next moment one of them is making racist remarks (Gingrich). One thing holds constant and presidential and that seems to be Ron Paul, yet no one is paying attention. The GOP race in all odds will go to Romney but no one seems to even want to be on his ticket as VP, not Rubio, not Bush, not Condoleeza. No body. Ron Paul has quietly been racking up delegates and the media won't pay him a lick of attention. Maybe it's because he cares about the issues and not frivolous games and scandals that are below someone seeking the highest office of the land. Rachel Maddow pays Ron Paul some due credit in this clip. If I had as much money as Warren Buffet or Bill Gates, I would create a Super Pac (you can donate unlimited sums to them) and put $1 billion dollars into it so Ron Paul could have a fighting chance publicity wise against the GOP and Dems.

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